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A Synchronizable Transactional Database

Alexy Khrabrov, Sumeet Sobti, and Peter Yianilos1

December 4, 1999


A database system that can efficiently synchronize all or a part of its contents over a limited bandwidth link is described.

The lowest layer of the system implements a transactional block store of novel design. On top of this is a new enhanced form of B+-tree that can efficiently compute a digest(hash) of the records within any range of key values in $O(\log n)$ time. The top level is a communication protocol that directs the synchronization process so that minimization of bits communicated, rounds of communication, and local computation are simultaneously addressed.

The entire synchronizable database is experimentally measured, and the results confirm our analysis. Experiments and comparisons are also reported for the system's two lower layers performing conventional database operations.

Finally we suggest that our notion of a synchronizable transactional database, as well as our implementation, might serve as a building block for applications ranging from digital libraries to distributed file systems and electronic commerce.


We describe the design and implementation of an experimental database system that includes among its basic functions the ability to efficiently synchronize all data within a specified key range, over a limited bandwidth link. This simple abstraction of efficient pairwise range synchronization may be viewed as a new building block for the construction of advanced distributed systems, and was motivated in part by our own work on the intermemory project [CEG+99,GY98].

Our architecture and implementation of a synchronizable transactional database consists of three layers. The bottom bedrock layer implements a novel block-oriented storage abstraction with transactional support [GR92]. On top of it we build an enhanced B+-tree that supports an additional operation to efficiently compute a digest(hash) of the records within specified range of key values. This is our bxtree layer. The top layer osynch implements a communication protocol for pairwise range synchronization that uses the digest function of bxtree to simultaneously reduce local computation, bits communicated, as well as communication rounds.

The bedrock abstraction consists of an array of fixed length blocks addressed by logical index. In addition to allocate, free, read, and write operations, the abstraction provides a function to atomically commit all changes to the array. During operation a block mapping system redirects writes intended to overwrite a given logical block address, instead to a free physical block -- leaving the original data intact. At the same time this logical address is tentatively mapped to the physical block containing the new data written. The commit operation atomically switches all maps in memory and on disk so that these tentative mappings are made permanent. In this way bedrock provides transactional support at the lowest level of the system. Higher level applications, including our synchronizable database system, may then use bedrock to build arbitrary data structures that inherit from below a transactional capability.

Bedrock operates within a single preallocated file2 and uses no outside logging facility. Following a system crash (see [GP94,NFSa,NFSb] for more about failure models), no recovery process is required. The data-store is instantly available in its most recently committed state. Bedrock uses a three-level mapping system that supports up to $2^{31}$ fixed length blocks. As such we suggest that it represents an easy-to-administer and scalable substrate for many applications that require simple transactional support.

The bxtree layer of our system implements a B+-tree on top of bedrock. It features support for variable length records and keys, and all data are written in a portable (byte order independent) fashion. Maintained along with each data record is a fixed-length digest computed by a cryptographically strong function such as the well known MD5 algorithm. bxtree extends a conventional B+-tree by providing a function that given a range of key values, efficiently computes the exclusive or (XOR) of the digest values associated with each record in the specified range. It does this by maintaining at each internal tree node, the XOR of all children. With this approach this MD5/XOR summary of an arbitrary range in the database may be computed in $O(\log n)$ time where $n$ denotes the number of records in the database.

With our osynch protocol, the two parties exchange digests of key ranges and subranges to rapidly identify regions of discrepancy. These discrepancies are then dealt with by exchanging data.

Our design of osynch (and bxtree below) is aimed at minimizing the complexity of synchronization measured in terms of bits communicated, rounds of communication, and local computation. The protocol has a simple recursive structure and may be modified to adjust the tradeoff between these three objectives. As implemented it reflects a tradeoff that seems appropriate for today's computational and internet environment. See [TM96] for related work that addresses the synchronization problem for unstructured text/binary files.

The number of rounds is asymptotically $O(\log n)$ to identify each region of discrepancy, and the local computation is $O(t\ log^2\ n)$ where $t$ denotes the total number of discrepancies. The end result is that the total bits communicated is roughly proportional in theory and practice to the amount of differing data.

Section 2 of this paper describes the bedrock layer, while bxtree and osynch are presented in section 3. These sections provide additional motivation and describe our design and implementation.

Section 4 describes our experimental studies of all three levels. The overall synchronization system is measured with respect to communication rounds and total data transmitted. The results confirm our analysis. The bedrock layer's throughput is measured and compared with that of a modern database system [SO92,BDB] operating in simple block mode. The result is that bedrock is somewhat more efficient in performing its task. The combined bxtree/osynch layers are compared against the same system. The comparison is in terms of conventional database operations, not synchronization. Our experimental implementation is competitive only in the large database regime, and even there is somewhat slower. We attribute this to the fact that an in-memory B-tree block management system is not yet part of our implementation, and expect that the addition of this facility will narrow or eliminate the gap.

Bedrock Transactional Memory

Large databases and other complex data structures maintained in non-volatile storage, e.g. on disk, often have certain important invariants to be preserved at all times for the data to make sense. In order to write data with the invariants always preserved, the updates must be made transactionally [GR92]. It is desirable to have an abstraction of transactional memory, general enough to be used by many applications. We implemented one such abstraction and called it bedrock. The failure model assumes unwarranted interruptions as the main targeted risk (see 2.1 below). The bedrock currently serves as a foundation of the survivable, available intermemory (see |www.intermemory.org|).

The bedrock is a simple transactional memory management system. It allows complex updates to be enacted (committed, synced) atomically (at once), over non-volatile block storage devices, such as hard drives, and to persist from one sync to the next. If an intermediate series of updates fails to commit, the previously committed state is guaranteed to be found in where they it was left by the previous (successfully completed) commit. Any such updates in progress after a commit can be aborted forcefully, and then the previously committed state will likewise be ``magically'' reactivated.

Our solution consists of a disk block array and a mapping mechanism allowing for two ``views'' of the blocks. The ongoing updates correspond to shadow blocks, reflected in the shadow maps. The previously committed transaction persists, its blocks intact, its maps current and safely in place, governed by a single superblock. Once the updates are finished, they can be committed with a single atomic write of the new superblock, which swaps the current maps and the shadow ones. Each set of maps refers to their own blocks, so formerly shadow blocks now also become current.

There are many transactional systems currently in use and under development, described in the systems literature. Berkeley db system [SO92,BDB] provides a generalized transactional library. It relies on logging, which bedrock avoids for efficiency and simplicity gain, at the price of a smaller feature subset. The db provides transactional functionality plus further database features, such as key-value extraction, which in our system is implemented by the bxtree module sitting on top of the bedrock. The db also relies on logging, which makes it RECNO mode take longer than bedrock for most simple uses, but the efficient database engine using caching helps the db in BTREE mode outperform the bxtree/bedrock tandem. See 4 for the detailed experiments comparing the performance of bedrock and db. SQRL, a free SQL project for FreeBSD [Eva99], extends the notion of a transactional substrate further to provide a transaction-based file system, a possible extension of the bedrock itself (see the discussion at the end of this section).


Since the superblock must be written atomically, its size should be the minimal block size for any block device keeping it. The smallest device block size known to the authors is $512$ bytes, corresponding to a disk sector on some systems. Our architectural assumptions for the operating system carrying the bedrock are as follows:

  1. Atomic write of the aligned atomic size data (512 bytes). Once the write began, it must finish, or not begin at all. Most disk controllers ensure when starting a write that it will go though even in the event of a power failure [GP94].

  2. Aligned atomicity - a file write begins at an atomic write boundary (see above). Thus, if we start to write a file by writing out an atomic-size block, the write will indeed be atomic, and so will be all the subsequent atomic-size writes.

  3. Non-volatile memory, e.g. on disk. Natural idea of non-volatile memory means the data written to disk stays there until overwritten by a knowing and willing user (no latent alterations by the OS).

  4. fsync(2) works. It means that memory-buffered files must be capable of being flushed to disk at will using a system call such as Unix's fsync(). The successful completion of the call guarantees the disk image is what the user expects it to be, and if an interruption (see below) occurs after an fsync(), all the data written before it will persist.

These assumptions allow us to build the bedrock system, capable of withstanding the most typical system failures - interruptions, such as power failures, disk sector failures, etc., including stacked ones. A good idea of those interruptions covered by the bedrock protection can be gathered from the NFS specification [NFSa,NFSb].

A bedrock file consists of a fixed number of homogeneous, fixed-size blocks. It is the responsibility of an application to choose the number of blocks n_blocks and a block size block_size before creating a bedrock, and then manage its memory in terms of the blocks. Blocks can be allocated, written, read, read, written, etc., and freed. The user deals with the block addresses, which are simply numbers in the range 1 .. n_blocks. Transactional semantics requires that certain mapping information, employed by the mapping mechanism described below, is stored on disk as well.

Figure 1 shows the layout of a bedrock file in non-volatile memory (on disk).

Figure: Layout of a bedrock file in non-volatile memory. Header consists of essential bedrock parameters and mapping mechanism in fixed size segments, followed by the actual blocks.
\epsfig{figure=figures/file.eps,width=1.5 in}\end{center}\end{figure}

During a transaction, the original physical blocks can't be overridden yet, until a commit or abort. A ``shadow'' physical block is written instead. We separate the logical block addresses, given to the users, from physical blocks, making a map array storing the correspondence, much like virtual memory: map[logical] == physical or is marked unallocated.

Figure 2 shows the memory mapping structures.

Figure: Memory layout of the bedrock mapping mechanism. map[logical] == physical. The sb and pps are bit vectors: bit sb[i] chooses pp$_0$ v. pp$_1$ segment of 4096 bits, in the range governed by $i$; similarly bit pp[j] chooses map$_0$ v. map$_1$ segment of 128 unsigned long physical entries (32 bits each) for the index range (of logical addresses) based on $j$. The touched bit vectors allow for selective writes of their ``parents'' upon commit or abort. The free physical and logical array lists (the latter sharing its array with map) allow for constant-time slot and address allocation, respectively; physical_freed_head (pfh) protects slots freed in the current transaction from reuse until a sync/abort.
\epsfig{figure=figures/memory.eps,width=1.5 in}\end{center}\end{figure}

Since we update only those portions of the map which actually changed, there's no contiguous, full-size ``main'' or ``shadow'' arrays; rather, sector-size groups of mapping entries serve as either in accordance with a ping-pong bit flag in an upper-level mapping structure. The superblock contains 512 bytes == 4096 bit flags, each capable of controlling an underlying mapping page. Following the convention of grouping map entries into 512 byte segments, and representing block addresses as |unsigned long| 4 byte entries, we have 128 entries per map segment. Should each superblock bit control (switch) a segment directly, we would end up with only $4096 * 128 = 524288$ bottom-level blocks. For some contemporary applications, such a low limit is insufficient, and the number will seem only smaller in the future. Since we can't enlarge the superblock without violating the atomicity condition, and the map entries and their segment sizes are likewise fixed, we need to introduce an intermediate mapping layer, which we call pages. Thus, the overall mapping becomes three-level:

superblock $\rightarrow$ pages $\rightarrow$ map segments

Naturally, each page will have the atomic size of 4096 bits, controlling just as many bottom-level map segments. Each superblock bit now will govern one such page. Thus, the total number of blocks switchable through our three-level mapping scheme is $4096^2 * 128 = 2^{31}$ blocks. Given typical block sizes starting at $1 KB$, this seems a reasonable supremum for some time to come. It is important to notice that this supremum neatly fits into a typical four-byte word of today, holding unsigned integer types with values as large as $2^{32}-1$. Our supremum is the function of two assumptions - the atomic 512 byte sector size and 4 byte word, |unsigned long int| type representing block addresses. (In the future, these architectural parameters are likely to change, as the memory needs ever grow.) We maintain a version number, corresponding to our bedrock format, in each bedrock file, so it can be properly upgraded when the format evolves. The application must evaluate its needs ahead of time and create the bedrock of sufficient size, planning both the number of blocks and their size. Since every block overwritten during a transaction requires a shadow block, the total number of blocks overwritten must not exceed floor($\frac{n}{2}$).

We keep a single current version of the shadow mapping mechanism in the memory record. All the three layers of mapping are present in a single instance each - the superblock, the page array of (pages), and the map. When an existing bedrock is open, these structures are assembled in memory via a slalom procedure. First, the single superblock is read. Each bit of it tells us, which corresponding page to read - since any of the two versions can be current while the other is shadow, they have no preferential names and are called simply $0$ and $1$ instances. The slalom proceeds by filling each memory slot in the pages array from either $0$ or $1$ page instance on disk, equaling the corresponding superblock bit. Once the single ``current'' page array is thus assembled, the slalom repeats for the map itself - its segments are recalled from either $0$ or $1$ disk instances, depending on the value of the controlling bit within the responsible page now.

Just upon the slalom assembly, the superblock, pages and map faithfully reflect the ``current'' state of the superblock. Any write operations, however, will reserve their ``shadow'' blocks, and update the map, tainting the map segments involved as touched. The ``shadow'' map segments will go into the slots opposite of those they were read from during the slalom, and as the slalom assembly was governed by the page bits, the touched page bits must be flipped, too, in the ``shadow'' pages. Similarly to map/page bit flip, enacting the updated page will flip its bit in the superblock. The final superblock is thus prepared, ready for the final slide-in. Finalizing the commit requires that the operating system synchronizes its view of the file with that assumed by the bedrock module (for instance, on Unix, the fsync system call is provided to flush the buffers to disk). The actual slide-in calls fsync twice - immediately before and immediately after writing out the new superblock.

The slalom is the most important bedrock operation, and it has been abstracted and parameterized for three different occasions: read, write, and abort. It works in cooperation with the touched arrays of flags, and is at the core of bedrock open, sync (commit), and abort operations. The touched flags, set naturally when allocating and overwriting blocks, let us write/re-read out only those parts of the maps and pages which were actually updated. We also set all bits of all touched arrays before an open, then simply make a slalom read, which consequently refills all the maps and the superblock. Also, since the touched arrays accurately record all of the bit flags changed, we don't need to read anything but the map itself when aborting!

Within the bedrock_slalom function, this ternary parameter is divided into two boolean flags, reading and aborting. Then, the slalom goes as follows:

  1. When reading, the superblock is read in first, since it has to govern the slalom-gathering of the pages.

  2. The superblock is then traversed: when

    As each page is read, its governing sb_touched bit is reset.

  3. Similarly, the pages are now traversed, and if aborting, simply restored by reversing those bits set in pp_touched (ping-pong pages touched bits). The maps should be read back from the disk when aborting, as the original modified slots are overwritten in memory with the shadow ones. The rest is analogous to the superblock traversal.

  4. Finally, in case of writing, the slide-in sequence, described above, is executed (fsync $\rightarrow$ write superblock $\rightarrow$ fsync).

Each write is given a logical address to write and a pointer to a memory buffer going to the bedrock under that address. The write checks first, whether the physical slot, already associated with the logical address given, was assigned in a previous transaction. If so, it has to be preserved, and a shadow slot is found for use in the course of this transaction. Such shadow block protection should not be done twice for a logical address which already was written during this transaction.

We envision several important extensions to bedrock, namely (i) parallel/nested transactions, (ii) multiple time-views (``old'' v. ``new''), (iii) bedrock-based file systems, (iv) in-block checksums and inter-block ``RAID'' error correction, (v) superblock redundancy, (vi) bedrock block device, controlling a raw partition, (vii) memory caching with (viii) transparent in-memory block packing/unpacking. These extensions will be discussed in detail in a journal version of this work.

Synchronizable Databases

In this section, we first formally describe a synchronizable database as an abstract data-type. We then describe our implementation of the abstraction, which consists of two separate modules - the bxtree module and the osynch module.

Synchronizable Databases - An Abstract Data Type

A synchronizable database $D$ is a set containing records of the form $(key$, $value)$. The $key$ field takes values from a totally-ordered set ${\cal K}$ of keys. Any key in ${\cal K}$ occurs in $D$ at most once.

The major operations supported by a synchronizable database as an abstract data type are insertion, deletion and retrieval of records, and a range synchronization operation. The first three are standard operations on databases with records. The last one, unique to synchronizable databases, is specified below.

The input to a range synchronization operation is an interval ${\cal I}$ of ${\cal K}$ and two databases $D_1$ and $D_2$. The operation basically tries to make the restrictions of $D_1$ and $D_2$ to ${\cal I}$ identical. In particular, it identifies three sets of keys, which we call the discrepancy sets ${\cal K}_1$, ${\cal K}_2$ and ${\cal
K}_{12}$. These three sets are all subsets of the key interval ${\cal I}$. Discrepancy set ${\cal K}_1$ is the set of keys in $D_1$ which are not in $D_2$, ${\cal K}_2$ is the set of keys in $D_2$ which are not in $D_1$, and ${\cal
K}_{12}$ is the set of keys which are in both $D_1$ and $D_2$ but whose corresponding records in the two databases differ in the $value$ field. The operation calls different handler functions for each of these three sets. Typically, the handler functions for ${\cal K}_1$ and ${\cal K}_2$ would copy the missing records from one database to the other. The handler function for ${\cal
K}_{12}$ would typically, for each key in the discrepancy set, compare the records in $D_1$ and $D_2$ that have the key and replace one of them with the other3.

Synchronizable Databases - An Implementation

In this section, we describe a B+-tree based implementation of synchronizable databases. The main power of the synchronizable databases abstraction lies in the range synchronization operation. Thus, we separate our implementation into two independently usable modules - the bxtree module and the osynch module. The two modules talk to each other through a very clean interface consisting of just two functions.

The bxtree (or extended B-tree) module implements a B+-tree based database engine augmented with a couple of functions for supporting range synchronization. For example, a typical operation on the database would input a key range (i.e. an interval of the space of keys) and return a short summary4 of all the records in the database whose keys lie in the given key range. In a B+-tree, the records are stored only in the leaves, and all the leaves are at the same height in the tree. In our implementation, with each record a fixed size digest of the record is also stored. And each internal node also stores, for each of its children, the XOR of the digests of all the records in the subtree rooted at the child. Note that since XOR is an associative operation, this information can be efficiently maintained across tree-rebalancing operations. Because of these digests stored in the internal nodes, interval summary computation operations (like the one illustrated above) can be performed in time proportional to the height of the tree.

The osynch (or object synchronization) module, implements the range synchronization operation on bxtree databases. Our implementation is specially tuned for the case when the databases being synchronized are located on different processors connected via a limited bandwidth link. Thus, one of the goals is to try to minimize the network traffic generated by the synchronization operation. The synchronization operation works in a number of communication rounds. In each round, the key range of interest is partitioned into smaller sub-ranges. For each sub-range, the two databases compute the summary of records lying in that sub-range and one of the databases sends its summaries to the other side. The corresponding summaries from the two sides are compared and the operation is recursively applied to sub-ranges whose summaries do not match. Only those records are transferred from one side to the other which (1) are missing on the other side, or (2) have a mismatching record on the other side. Thus, unnecessary transfer of large amounts of data is prevented.

The Bxtree Module

On an abstract level, the bxtree module simply implements a database engine for storing and managing records of the form $(key$, $value)$, enhanced with some support for range synchronization. It provides functions for insertion, deletion and retrieval of records. In addition to these, it provides the following two functions which are used by the osynch module for implementing the range synchronization operation.

The input is an interval ${\cal I}$ of ${\cal K}$. The output is a list of pairs of the form $(key,$ $hash)$. The list has one pair for each record in the database whose $key$ field belongs to ${\cal I}$. The first element in the pair is the $key$ field of the record, and the second element is a fixed size digest of the record. If the database has no record with $key$ field belonging to ${\cal I}$, an empty list is returned.

The input is an interval ${\cal I}$ of ${\cal K}$ and a positive integer $H$. The function partitions ${\cal I}$ into at most $H$ disjoint sub-intervals and returns a list of triplets of the form $(key\_interval,$ $num\_records,$ $hash)$. The list has one triplet for each sub-interval. The first element of the triplet is the sub-interval itself; the second and third elements are, respectively, the number and a fixed size digest of all the records in the database whose $key$ fields belong to the sub-interval. Whether the database has any records with $key$ field belonging to ${\cal I}$ or not, the list returned is always non-empty and the sub-intervals in the list form a disjoint partition of ${\cal I}$.

Our implementation of the bxtree module uses the B+-tree data structure for storing records. The internal nodes of the tree form an index over the leaves of the tree where the real data resides. In the leaf nodes where the records are stored, a fixed size digest5 is also stored for each record. This digest is used (1) to verify record integrity, and (2) by functions providing support for range synchronization. Each internal node stores a set of keys to guide the search for records. In addition, for each of its children, it stores a triplet of the form $(address,$ $num\_records,$ $hash)$ where $address$ is the address of the child node, $num\_records$ is the number of records in the child's sub-tree, and $hash$ is the XOR of the digests of the records in the child's subtree. Since XOR is an associative operation, this information can be efficiently maintained across tree-rebalancing operations.

The database allows different records to have $key$ and $value$ fields of different sizes. This affects the structure of the tree in several ways. We store each node of the tree in a separate bedrock block. Since all bedrock blocks are of the same size (in bytes), each node gets the same number of bytes of storage. Thus, two full leaf nodes can have different number of records. Similarly, two full internal nodes can have different number of keys and hence different fan-out. Hence, the property (which regular B+-trees with keys and records of fixed size exhibit) that the fan-out of any two non-root internal nodes in the tree can not differ by more than a factor of 2, is not exhibited by the tree in our implementation.

In a regular B+-tree, a node underflows when the number of records (or keys) in it is less than half the maximum number. And it is always possible to handle underflow by either borrowing from or merging with siblings. This leads to the guarantee that each non-root node will be using at least 50% of the space allocated to it. In our implementation of B+-tree, since different records are allowed to have $key$ and $value$ fields of different sizes, the 50% space efficiency guarantee is difficult to achieve. This happens because of the basic bin-packing kind of phenomenon. For example, when a node is split due to an overflow resulting from an insertion, it might not be possible to split it into two nodes that are both at least 50% full. Similarly, when the space usage of a node falls below 50% during a deletion, it is possible that both borrowing and merging fail to handle the underflow. It turns out that if we have an upper bound on the sizes of the records in terms of the size of the bedrock blocks used for storing the nodes, we can provide a space utilization guarantee of something less than 50%. For example, with the constraint that no record occupies more than a tenth of a bedrock block, we can achieve a storage utilization guarantee of 40%. Due to a technical difficulty, arising out of our use of variable length encodings for storing integers, we are forced to leave some storage ($\approx 8$ bytes) unused in each bedrock block. This will constitute a tiny fraction of the total space in any reasonable use of the bxtree module.

The insertion, deletion and retrieval operations are implemented in a manner similar to regular B+-trees. The non-regularity of sizes in our implementation leads to several interesting cases which do not occur in the case of regular B+-trees, and which need careful handling. A typical example is the case where a deletion causes some nodes to split and consequently, the height of the tree increases6.

The number of nodes (or equivalently the number of bedrock blocks) accessed by an operation is a good measure of the amount of time taken. So for each operation, we will only estimate the number of nodes accessed. The insertion, deletion and retrieval operations make $O(h)$ node accesses where $h$ is the height of the tree.

The Get_All_Hashes function is a simple recursive function having leaf nodes as the base case. The input to the function is an interval ${\cal I}$ in the totally-ordered space of keys. A leaf node is said to be relevant for ${\cal I}$ if it contains a record with $key$ field belonging to ${\cal I}$, or if it is adjacent to a node like that in the left-to-right ordering of the leaf nodes. By this definition, the function only accesses the nodes that are relevant for ${\cal I}$, and their ancestors. Thus it makes $O(h + m)$ node accesses where $h$ is the height of the tree and $m$ is the number of leaf nodes relevant for ${\cal I}$. Clearly, the size of the output list is an upper bound on $m$.

The Get_Interval_Hashes function is most interesting. The function is supposed to partition the given key interval into sub-intervals and return a summary for each sub-interval. It turns out that it helps the osynch module to have the sub-intervals such that the database contains almost equal amount of data in each of the sub-intervals. We use the balance in the tree in a natural way to construct such a partition. The input to the function is a key interval ${\cal I}$, and an upper bound $H$ on the number of sub-intervals in the partition. The function is implemented in a recursive fashion. A typical instance of the function works with an internal tree node $N'$, a key interval ${\cal I'}$ and integer bound $H'$. First, it identifies the set $S$ of relevant children (i.e. children whose subtrees contain nodes relevant for ${\cal I'}$. See above for the definition of relevance.) The children of $N'$ are sorted in a natural left-to-right order. We observe that the children in $S$ are consecutive in this left-to-right order. The function, then, partitions $S$ into $S_1,\ldots, S_n$ (with $n = \mbox{min}\{H', \vert S\vert\}$) where each $S_i$ consists of some children in $S$ that are consecutive in the left-to-right order. The partition is done in such a way that each $S_i$ has almost the same number of children from $S$. This partition of $S$ naturally leads to a partition of ${\cal I'}$ into sub-intervals ${\cal I}_1, \ldots,
{\cal I}_n$, where ${\cal I}_i$ corresponds to $S_i$. The end-points of the sub-intervals come from the set of keys stored in $N'$, except that the left (right) end-point of ${\cal I}_1$ (${\cal I}_n$) is same as the left (right) end-point of ${\cal I'}$. The bound $H'$ is also partitioned into $H' = h_1 +
\ldots + h_n$ with no two $h_i$'s differing by more than one. Then for each $i$, working on the children in $S_i$ (recursively or otherwise, depending on whether the children are leaf nodes or not), a partition of ${\cal I}_i$ into at most $h_i$ sub-intervals is obtained. The output list for ${\cal I'}$ is formed by concatenating the sublists from each of the $S_i$'s. As described earlier, $N'$ stores a triplet of the form $(address,$ $num\_records,$ $hash)$ for each of its children. The $hash$ fields for some of the children in $S_i$ are used when $h_i$ is 1.

Again the function accesses only a portion of the sub-tree formed by leaf nodes relevant for ${\cal I}$ and their ancestors. It makes $O(h + t)$ node accesses where $t$ is a number bounded from above by the size of the output list.

Our implementation of bxtree also stores an integral field called version with each record. Thus, a record is really a triplet of the form $(key$, $version$, $value)$, although conceptually the version field can be thought of as part of the value field. The version field can be used by the handler functions that are invoked by the osynch module. For example, the version field can be used to keep track of the revisions made to the value field of a record, and then the handler function for ${\cal
K}_{12}$ can decide to replace the record with a smaller version field (indicating a stale value field) by the other one with a larger version (indicating a more fresh value field.)

The Osynch Module

This module implements the range synchronization operation for bxtree databases. As described earlier, our implementation is designed for the case where the two databases are not located on the same processor. The two databases are assumed to be located on different processors connected via a limited bandwidth link. Thus, a major goal here is to try to minimize the traffic generated by the synchronization operation. In most situations, however, it is also desirable to minimize (or at least keep within reasonable limits) the number of communication rounds taken by the synchronization protocol. Our synchronization algorithm tries to achieve both of these objectives. An interesting related work is the rsync algorithm from [TM96] which addresses the synchronization problem for unstructured text/binary files. There has also been some recent theoretical work on the synchronization. See [E99] and [Or93] for example.

The naive approach of bringing portions of one database to the other and then doing a synchronization is too inefficient. Instead, in our implementation only summaries7 of portions of one database are sent across the network in order to identify the discrepancies. Once the discrepancies are identified, only those records are transferred which need to be transferred to make the databases synchronized.

Our implementation of the synchronization operation is asymmetric in the sense that it sees one database as a local database and the other one as a remote database. It is assumed that local database can be accessed with no (or minimal) network traffic, whereas remote database accesses generate network traffic. This asymmetric view allows the module to make optimizations that minimize network traffic. Typically, the synchronization operation will be used by a processor to synchronize its local database with some remote database.

The synchronization algorithm is fairly simple. The algorithm starts by asking both databases to compute a single summary of all records lying in the given key interval. The Get_Interval_Hashes function is invoked for this. The remote summary is transferred to the local side and compared with the local summary. If the summaries match, it is concluded that the databases are already synchronized restricted to the given key interval. Otherwise the size of the remote database restricted to the given key interval is checked. If the remote database only has a small number of records lying in the key interval, then digests for all those individual records are transferred from the remote to the local side (the Get_All_Hashes function is invoked here), and a record-by-record comparison is made to identify discrepancies. Otherwise the remote database is asked (by calling the Get_Interval_Hashes function) to partition the key range into smaller sub-intervals and send summaries for each of the sub-intervals. These remote summaries are then compared against corresponding local summaries and the operation is invoked recursively for sub-interval whose summaries do not match.

The synchronization operation takes at most $O(\log n)$ communication rounds to identify each discrepancy, where $n$ is the total size of the two databases restricted to the given key interval. Thus, the total number is communication rounds is $O(t\ log\ n)$, where $t$ is the combined size of the three discrepancy sets. Also, since all bxtree operations take time proportional to the height of the tree, the overall computational burden for the synchronization operation is $O(t\ log^2\ n)$.

In practice however, the number of rounds taken and the network traffic generated depend on several factors including how the discrepancies are distributed across the entire key range and how the parameters in the algorithm are chosen. There are two main parameters in the synchronization algorithm which need to be carefully chosen. The first one determines when to invoke the Get_All_Hashes operation instead of further partitioning with the Get_Interval_Hashes operation. The second parameter determines the number of partitions obtained through calls to Get_Interval_Hashes. The choice of these parameters to a very large extent determines the actual network traffic generated and the number of communication rounds taken. For example, if the algorithm decides to invoke the Get_All_Hashes function on key intervals for which the remote database has huge number of records, then the number of communication rounds would be small but every round would generate heavy network traffic. Similarly, if the Get_All_Hashes function is invoked only on very small key intervals, then the number of rounds will be large. Note that the objective of the synchronization protocol is not only to minimize the amount of network traffic generated, but also to keep the number of communication rounds within reasonable limits. These two objectives often compete with each other. Thus, the two parameters above need to be tuned to suit different applications and conditions.

Theoretically it is possible that on some input, the osynch algorithm fails to detect some discrepancy and hence does not really synchronize the databases. There are two factors that can contribute to such an error. First is our use of the MD5 hash function for computing the digests. There are collisions (some of which are known) for the MD5 hash function. Thus it is possible that two different records yield the same digest. The second factor is our use of the XOR function for combining the digests from different records. It is quite possible that two different sets of digests yield the same result when digests in each of them are XORed together. Still quite arguably, the probability of an error arising out of these two factors is very small (but positive) and can be ignored. Hashes have been commonly used for identifying changes in huge amounts of data. See [LLS99] for example.

An interesting direction for further exploration is to try out associative functions other than XOR and upper bound the error probability with those functions. The error probability can be further reduced by using more than one digests. In other words, the summary used by the synchronization algorithm could contain a set of digests as opposed to just one digest. The rsync algorithm from [TM96] uses two digests, one cryptographically strong but hard to compute and the other cryptographically weak but easy to compute.


We tested the bedrock, bxtree and osynch modules extensively together and separately, and compared them to Berkeley DB ([BDB], referred below as db) - an industrial-strength transactional database supporting transactions and B+-tree access mode.


The first bedrock experiment measures the performance of its transactional mechanism. Our simple driver creates a bedrock of a fixed size, and then runs a series of transactions, overwriting ever increasing fractions of the bedrock, from 0 to 0.5, in 20 increments. For each fraction, we run 10 transactions of that size, overwriting the number of bedrock blocks corresponding to the fraction, and average the times to report a single time for that fraction.

The comparable mode for db is RECNO with the transactional support turned on. The performance of both systems is reflected in Figure 3.

Figure: bedrock transactional management is compared to the Berkeley db transactional subsystem. A series of transactions is run, their size incremented from 0 to 0.5 of the bedrock file size in 20 increments. For each fraction, 10 transactions are run and the average time plotted. Both systems achieve optimal linear performance, while the simpler bedrock leads by a factor of 9.

Both db and bedrock achieve linear performance (db uses logging, which may require extra management from time to time). Since db is a general embedded database system, it does much more than bedrock, which may explain the constant factor by which the bedrock is faster. The db database is created by the insertions we measure, and grows from zero size to the maximum, while the size of the bedrock file remains fixed at its maximum. All experiments, unless stated otherwise, are performed on a dual-Pentium II 400 MHz machine with 512 MB of RAM and an 8 GB RAID array of hard drives.

The second bedrock experiment tested the ``overhead'' from using the bedrock as a transactional foundation in an application such as bxtree. The real bedrock consistently differs from the dummy one by a constant factor of only about 1.15, which shows that the overhead of using our transactional system is minimal. (The benefit, of course, is having a crash-proof disk image of any memory data structure, which would justify a much larger factor for safety-critical applications.)

Performance of the bedrock I/O much depends on the underlying Unix operations, read(), write(), and fsync(). The I/O can be sped up if bedrock is implemented as a device controlling a raw partition directly, which is greatly facilitated by its low-level structure of an array of fixed-size blocks.


Another tandem bxtree/bedrock experiment compares the throughput of each system when making a large number of random insertions in a pre-created database. For our experiment, we first created a database by making 1 million random insertions, and then measured the time necessary to perform 10,000 more insertions, in 1,000 increments.

The records are 1,000 byte long, with 100 byte keys and 900 byte values. We sync/commit after every 10 insertions. In order to reflect the bedrock semantics, where the database file is self-contained, we performed db check-pointing after every transactional commit. The experiment plotted in Figure 4 is done on a machine with 256 MB of RAM.

Figure: bedrock transactional management is compared to the Berkeley db transactional subsystem. A series of transactions is run, their size incremented from 0 to 0.5 of the bedrock file size in 20 increments. For each fraction, 10 transactions are run and the average time plotted. Both systems achieve optimal linear performance, while the simpler bedrock leads by a factor of 9.

The initialization of the database (the original one million insertions, roughly) took about 112,000 seconds for bxtree/bedrock and about 38,000 seconds for db. When the same experiment is repeated on the machine with twice the RAM, 512 MB, we get the measured 10,000 insertions in 2,360 seconds for bxtree/bedrock versus 385 seconds for db. The initialization then takes 104,000 v. 12,500 seconds, respectively.

Varying the RAM size shows how the database performance depends on caching. Since db uses memory pools extensively, its performance drastically depends on the RAM size of the machine used in the measurements. On the contrary, the bxtree/bedrock system was designed for mission-critical applications to have a minimal memory footprint and a preallocated fixed set of verified resources, namely the disk file of the maximum size which doesn't grow and is preformatted before use. Employing caching would allow us to overcome the factor of 3-4 by which our system now differs from the db. Given more memory, upper levels of the bxtree could be stored there all the time, ready for immediate use. Currently, bxtree nodes are stored in bedrock blocks after being processed by another LIBPA module, BMSG, which packs various fields into cohesive binary blocks. Every time a bxtree bedrock block is read, the nodes are unpacked back. BMSG architecture allows us to abstract from the actual binary layout of a bxtree node. On the other hand, extra processing is involved in every I/O operation, which can be saved when more of the bxtree nodes remain in memory in their raw, unpacked form.

The experiments show the effectiveness of the bxtree/bedrock system. Its performance is linear in the number of database operations, which is optimal, and differs from an industrial db system only by a constant factor due to different memory models. With the improvements outlined above, the bxtree/bedrock system provides a solid, efficient building block for synchronizable transactional databases, ready for use by such modules as the osynch.


In this section, we describe an experiment where two processes running on different machines synchronize their databases with each other. We call the two processes the master and the slave processes. Both processes begin with an initial database of 30000 records each. Their initial databases are identical. The initial database was pseudo-randomly generated by inserting 30000 different (pseudo-randomly created) records one by one into an empty database. All records in the experiment consist of a 100 byte key and a 1900 byte value field. After initialization, the two processes add another fixed number (which we denote by $m$) of records into their respective databases. The additional records are also pseudo-randomly generated, but the master and the slave processes are forced to create different sets of records. Thus, at this point both databases have 30000 + $m$ different records, and the two databases agree on only 30000 of them.

Now, the master process starts the synchronization protocol to synchronize its entire database with the slave's database. The discrepancy handler functions used for synchronization do the trivial job of transferring the missing records from one side to the other. In our experiment, by design, there are no mismatch discrepancies.

Figure: The figure describes an experiment where two processes running on different machines synchronize their databases with each other. The databases contain 30000 + $m$ records each, but the two databases agree on only 30000 of them. Thus, each database is missing $m$ records that the other database possesses. The vertical axis shows the number of communication rounds taken by the synchronization protocol to identify all the discrepancies. The horizontal axis shows the values of $m$ for which the experiment was run. As expected, the relationship is linear.

The graph in Figure 5 plots the number of communication rounds taken by the synchronization protocol to identify all the discrepancies against $m$. Remember that $2m$ is the total size of the discrepancy sets.

Figure: For the same experiment as described by the previous figure, this graph plots the network traffic generated (in bytes) by the synchronization protocol to identify the discrepancies against $m$. This does not include the network traffic generated by the discrepancy handler functions for transferring the missing records between the databases.

Figure 6 shows the network traffic generated by the synchronization operation while identifying the discrepancies. This does not include the traffic generated by the discrepancy handlers for transferring the missing records between the two sides. As expected, the graph is asymptotically linear.


We have introduced the abstract notion of a synchronizable transactional database, and both described and implemented a novel three-layer design that realizes it. Beyond implementation our experimental measurements confirm the basic ideas and analysis of our design, and that our system as-is represents a practical solution to the synchronization problem. Our experimental comparisons with Berkeley DB reveal that our bedrock layer is a much more efficient alternative for simple transactional block storage applications. While our combined bxtree/bedrock system perform well (and as expected) when compared with Berkeley DB performing traditional operations (not synchronization), it is nevertheless somewhat slower and points to the need for in-memory B+-tree block management in our system. This work is under way.


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About this document ...

A Synchronizable Transactional Database

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... Yianilos1
The authors are listed in alphabetical order. The first author is with the University of Washington, and the second with the University of Pennyslvania. The third author is affiliated with Netrics.com, and is currently also a visitor to the Princeton University Computer Science Department. Direct correspondence to the third author at pny@cs.princeton.edu.
... file2
Support for raw disk partitions is planned
... other3
As described in a later section, our implementation of synchronizable database also maintains for each record a field called version. This field can be used by the handler function for ${\cal
K}_{12}$ to decide which record to replace with the other.
... summary4
The summary would typically contain a digest of the records of interest.
... digest5
We use the well known MD5 algorithm to compute the digest.
When an underflowing node borrows records or keys from its siblings, the key in its parent that separated it from its sibling changes. The new key that goes to the parent might be larger than the previous key, thus causing the parent to split. The split can result in more splits and an eventual increase in the tree height.
... summaries7
In our implementation, the summary of a set of records consists of the number and a fixed size digest of records in the set. See the triplets returned by the Get_Interval_Hashes function in the bxtree module.

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Peter N. Yianilos