Samuel R. Buss1 - Peter N. Yianilos2
Under the linear cost model, a simple time per position
online algorithm is presented for comparing two strings given
a fixed alignment. Heuristics are given for
optimal alignment. In the approximate string search problem,
one string advances in a fixed direction relative to the other
with each time step. We introduce a new online algorithm for
this setting which dynamically maintains an optimal bipartite
weighted matching.
We discuss the application of our algorithms to natural language text search, including prefilters to improve efficiency, and the use of polygraphic symbols to improve search quality. Our approach is used in the LIKEIT text search utility now under development. Its overall design and objectives are summarized.
Keywords:Approximate String Comparison, Approximate String Search, Text Search, Sequence Comparison, Bipartite Quasi-Convex Matching, Distance Metric, Natural Language Processing.
Search and the implied process of comparison, are fundamental notions
of both theoretical and applied computer science. The usual case is
that comparison is straightforward, and attention rests mainly
on search. Given finite strings over a finite alphabet , one
might for example define comparison to be a test for equality, and the
well known dictionary problem arises. That is: organize a set of
strings for effective storage and retrieval of exact matches. Given a
short string
and a much longer one
, one might also
strive to efficiently locate occurrences of
. This
is sometimes called the string matching problem [8].
When the comparison method is generalized to allow inexact match, the resulting ideas, algorithms, and data structures become somewhat more complicated. Despite the added complexity, this research direction is important because the resulting algorithms are frequently of greater practical value. This is the case because almost all naturally occurring strings are the result of a generative process which includes error and ambiguity. Examples include natural language text, the speech signal, naturally occurring DNA -- and just about any other sequence which corresponds to measurement of a natural process.
Perhaps the most natural generalized comparison method relaxes the requirement of exact equality to admit a bounded number of errors. Each such error is typically restricted to be either an insertion, deletion, substitution, or sometimes a transposition of adjacent symbols. Given a query string, it is then possible to build a finite state machine (FSM) to detect it, or any match within the error bounds, within a second string. We will refer to this approach generalizations of it as FSM methods. The recent work of [10,12] demonstrates that text can be scanned at very high speeds within this framework for comparison.
Another well known approach to generalized string comparison computes edit-distance (ED), which measures the least costly transformation of one string into another using some set of primitive operations. The most common choices of primitive operations are insert, delete, substitute, and sometimes adjacent transposition. A simple dynamic program computes this distance in quadratic time, i.e. proportional to the product of string lengths. See [11] for a discussion of these and related algorithms which we will refer to as ED methods.
Both the FSM and ED approaches rather strictly enforce temporal ordering. In most applications this is to some extent desirable. We observe however that similar strings from natural language exhibit strong local temporal agreement but frequently include global ordering violations. More concretely, words or entire clauses might be rearranged with the result nevertheless ``similar'' to the original. For example, the strings ``ABCD'' and ``DCBA'' are maximally distant with respect to edit distance4. To transform the first into the second, `A', `B', and `C' are first deleted, and then `C', `B', `A' are inserted. This is not disturbing at the word level, but if each symbol is replaced by a word, significant divergence from human similarity judgment becomes apparent.
This paper presents a formal basis for string comparison and search which is entirely distinct from both the FSM and ED paradigms. It represents a computationally affordable solution to the problem of preserving an emphasis on local temporal ordering, while allowing global permutation. Our framework reduces string comparison to multiple instances of the bipartite weighted matching problem, or as it is sometimes called, the assignment problem. The bipartite graph's two parts correspond to the strings being compared. The nodes are symbols or, more generally, features present at each string position. Edges connect symbols in one string with those in another and are given costs which vary with the magnitude of positional displacement. Local temporal ordering is emphasized by defining features which consist of the polygrams of varying lengths found at each string position. The overall solution is then superposition of assignment problems for each distinct polygram. The sections that follow describe our method in greater detail.
The ``proximity comparison'' method is a related approach used in
several commercial spelling error correctors and information retrieval
products. We show that this earlier method may be viewed as an
approximation to the assignment problem we solve exactly. Its
principal virtue is the algorithm's simplicity and resulting speed.
However proximity comparison requires two passes over the strings
being compared while we demonstrate that exact solution is possible
with only one. In both cases time is spent processing each
symbol. Thus the algorithms of this paper essentially supplant
the proximity comparison approach. Polygrams and other
context sensitive feature symbols
were used in proximity comparison based applications, but for practical
reasons, polygram length was generally limited to two. The ``Friendly Finder''
program5 is
an example of a proximity comparison based database retrieval system based entirely
on 1 and 2-grams and their positional relationship.
More recently Damashek and Huffman [5,6]
have developed a large scale text retrieval system based entirely on polygrams.
It is convenient to imagine two strings and
on top of one another as in Figure 1. In this
example the graph's nodes consist of unigrams only, i.e., single
letters. In the `linear-cost' model the matching's cost is determined
by simply adding the horizontal displacements of each graph edge, and
imposing a penalty based on the number of unmatched nodes. It is
evident from the figure that a lower cost matching would result if
were shifted left by one position. This illustrates that the
cost of an optimal matching is a function of the string's relative
`alignment'. In some applications fixed alignment is assumed while
others require that alignment also be optimized. In the case of string
search, the long
string is imagined to advance leftward with each
time step. Then problem then is to maintain an optimal matching
dynamically as time advances and the alignment changes. We'll describe
this problem in greater detail later and describe an algorithm which is
somewhat more efficient than the obvious solution which finds an entirely
new matching for each step.
Figure 1 illustrates that each edge in the matching
connects identical symbols. Thus, for a given alignment, the overall
matching problem may be decomposed into a union of subproblems - one
for each alphabet member. We will show that each of these may be
further decomposed into `levels'. The level decomposition is
trivially produced in one-pass using what amounts to the ``parenthesis
nesting algorithm''. Finally, for each level, a simple one-pass
time per node algorithm finds the optimal matching. Since the
combined sizes of all subproblems equals the size of the original
problem, the original problem is solved in one-pass, using
per symbol.
Finally we discuss the text search application and techniques which improve processing speed and search quality. Polygraphic symbols of variable length are employed at each node to increase the system's sensitivity to local ordering changes. Before searching for the optimal matching and alignment, several prefilter stages are employed to effectively rule out most candidates. The LIKEIT system now under development combines these techniques. In practice a database record may be located given almost any query which remotely resembles it. The system is character and polygram oriented and does not make any effort to extract words from the query or the database. It is perhaps best described as an approximate phrase retrieval system which tolerates re-ordering while considering word proximity.
We start with the mathematical definitions of strings, of bipartite
matchings and of the cost of a matching. In spite of the mathematical
abstraction of the definitions we present, the underlying idea is
quite simple; namely, given a query string and a database string
we wish to find an optimal one-to-one
assignment of symbols occurring in
to occurrences of the same
symbols in
. Here `optimality' is measured in terms of the
distance from a symbol in
to its assigned symbol in
The `distance' corresponding to each such symbol assignment depends on
our choice of alignment for
relative to
. For this
reason, our definition of a string will specify not just its contents,
but a position along the integer number line. The notion of an
optimal assignment is then well-defined since a position is implicit
in the definition of each string. Later we will consider a higher
level optimization problem, namely that of varying the relative
position (alignment) of the strings so as to optimize (minimize) the
assignment cost.
A string is intuitively a sequence of characters over a finite
alphabet ; formally, a string
has a domain
and is a mapping
. We denote by
the symbol
at position
. Notice that only when a string's domain
really the
-th symbol. Allowing domains
more general than
makes it easier to describe the process of
searching for an optimal alignment, and the process of searching for
approximate occurrences of
Let be a string with domain
, then we
denote the string
with domain
such that
. The length,
is equal to
, the number of symbols in
We use
as meta-symbols for strings and
as meta-symbols for symbols from
The two-sided cost is more useful
in the string comparison problem where one wants a notion
of the distance between and
; on the other hand, the
one-sided cost is more useful for the string search problem
where one wants to know to what extent
is contained within
Note that if
are equal length, then the one-sided and
two-sided costs are identical.
The function
enjoys the property of being a metric:
There are a large number of enhancements that can be made to the definitions
of cost and distance. For example, it is possible to assign every character a
real-valued weight and then weight the costs proportionally to the
weight of the character. It is also possible to more heavily weight
characters near the beginning of , etc. These enhancements can be
very useful in practice to improve the perceived quality of the optimal
assignment; however, they make little difference to the algorithms described
in this paper, so we shall use just the simple notion of cost as defined
In [4]
the authors have developed linear time and near-linear time algorithms
for finding minimum cost bipartite matchings when the cost function
is concave down. Although space does not permit us to review the
details of this algorithm, we shall review a few keys
aspects of the algorithm which are needed in the case when the cost
function is linear (i.e., when
for some constant
For simplicity assume that and
are both strings with
be a symbol which occurs at position
, i.e.,
. Then
is equal to
the number of
's that occur in
minus the
number that occur
. Similarly, if
is equal to the number of
's in
minus the number in
minus 1. A simple, but important,
fact about optimal matchings is:
Proposition 2 provides the first step towards an algorithm
for finding
an optimal matching. This first step is to separately consider each
symbol and to calculate the level of each occurrence of
in both
; for each level
, we can separately
find an optimal matching on the
's at level
. Taking the
union of the these matchings
gives an optimal matching for
the original strings.
This allows us to reduce the problem of finding the optimal
bipartite matching between
to the following
A complete solution to the alternating matching problem, and thereby the matching problem, for concave-down cost functions was given by the authors in [4]. A particularly simple, yet useful, special case of this is when the cost function is linear. In this case, the following theorem explains how the algorithm of [4] is simplified.
Part (a) is a simple special case of the well-known Skier and Skis problem, see [7,9]. Part (b) is the generalization to unbalanced matching.
In [4]
we proved that there is a linear time algorithm
to solve the alternating matching problem of Theorem 3 (since
a linear cost function clearly satisfies the weak crossover condition; the
algorithm, as explained there, made two passes over the words from left to right.
For the special case of a linear cost function, there is a much simpler online
algorithm which uses time per symbol:
The previous section considered the problem of finding the minimum
cost matching between two strings and
; will the
positions of the two strings were held fixed. Frequently, however, it
is desirable to allow the strings to be shifted relative to one
another to find a better matching. An example of this would be
matching the string
``SOUR'' against
If the strings are aligned so that both
has domain
has domain
, then the total cost will be
. However, by realigning the strings and
leftward by 4 (thereby letting it have domain
, the total cost is reduced to
We call the problem of finding the optimal shift of the realignment problem. We give below two heuristics for finding a good
realignment. The first, based on `center-of-gravity', is quick to
implement but does not always produce an optimal free realignment.
The second, based on a median calculation always produces an optimal
free realignment, but is more time-consuming to compute.
Let and
be fixed strings; we define
to equal
. The problem is find a
and to find a corresponding optimal cost
. The general idea is to iteratively calculate an
optimal match at a given alignment, then to calculate a ``free
realignment'' which improves the cost of the match, and then to repeat
the process. More formally, we define a free realignment as follows:
The general approach we take to realignment is based on the following algorithm:
` =13`^M=13
optimal matching of
Exit loop
is a function that computes a free
We suggest
two possible methods of computing
: the first is based on a
`center-of-gravity' calculation:
the center of gravity,
, of
is defined to equal
Our second free realignment algorithm is based on the median value (rather than
the mean) of the differences . The median
a multiset
of integers is defined as usual; if
has an even number
of members, then there are two ``middle'' elements
is considered to be a median value for
be defined to equal
the (i.e., any) median of
the multiset
. Then the following theorem
shows that
is an optimal free realignment.
Unfortunately, although the use
for free realignment always
provides an optimal free realignment, this does not mean that
must converge to an alignment which is even locally
optimal. For example, suppose that
``BCA'' with domain
, that
``ACBXA'' with domain
, that
, and
is the optimal matching for this alignment with
. The (only) median value for this
. However, the alignment is not locally optimal, since there is
a matching
which has
lower cost, assuming
; namely,
For this reason, the above realignment remains merely a useful
heuristic, which works well in practice, but may fail to produce an
optimal alignment in some rare situations. Both the
and the
function are computable in linear time; but, in
practice, the
is slightly simpler and quicker to compute and seems to
yield very good results. Therefore, the
-based free
realignment is used in the prefilter stages of the LIKEIT system, while
approach when computing the final matching.
Our development above began by considering the problem of approximate
string comparison given a fixed alignment of the query string relative
to a database string. We then discussed optimization of this
alignment. But in both cases the setting was record oriented,
i.e., it was assumed that and
are complete records
such as words, names, etc. In this section we consider the different
but related problem of approximate string search using our bipartite
matching outlook. Here, one of the two strings is generally much
longer, e.g., a paragraph or an article,
and represents the text to be searched. The shorter string is
thought of as the human generated query. The text is imagined to be
in motion passing by the query as depicted in
Figure 2.
![]() |
Our earlier record oriented approach could in principle be applied in this setting but several problems exist. First, the local search heuristics introduced cannot be relied upon to produce a global optimum alignment, so one would be led to recompute the entire matching for each alignment. Second, under the linear cost function, the agreement between our mathematical notion of similarity, and human judgment, appears to break down substantially. To see this consider that varying the position of a distant matching symbol affects the score just as much as nearby variations. If one is searching for keywords without regard to their position, this may be reasonable behavior. But if the query represents a phrase or collection of words which are expected to occur in close proximity, then those parts of the query which match only to distance locations, can easily dominate the overall matching score. This in part motivated the authors to consider non-linear quasi-convex cost functions in their earlier work.
The approach we take in this paper is to use linear costs, but restrict the matching process to a moving window in the text indicated with a dotted line in Figure 2. That is, matching edges are allowed only within the window. For each position of the text relative to the query, a different bipartite matching may exist. The problem we face then consists of efficiently maintaining an optimal matching as the text slides by.
As before, the problem separates immediately by alphabet symbol and we may therefore focus on the subproblem corresponding to a single symbol. We will again use the notion of a level decomposition but now must from time to time adjust it as the text slides by. Focusing on a single level, it is important to realize that the optimal matching may itself change as the text moves; before the need arises to recompute levels. We think of these two eventualities as events for which an alarm is set sometime in the future, i.e. the events consisting of the recomputation of levels, and of the optimal matching for a level. Until one of these alarms sounds, it is easy to see that each matching edge will grow either shorter or longer by one with each time step. An edge will never change growth direction between alarms because such a change would correspond to a releveling event. Hence in-between alarms, the overall matching cost will change by a constant amount per time step given by the total of each edge change.
The algorithms we describe work by computing for each symbol subproblem, the cost of the optimal matching, the number of time steps before an alarm event, and the change in matching cost per time step. The cost changes for each symbol are summed to form a single value. So until an alarm sounds for some symbol, processing a time step consists of adding this single value to adjust the cost of the optimal matching. A trivial outer loop manages the alarms and updates the cost change variables.
In the worst case, alarms might sound on nearly every time step and
our algorithm is no better than the direct approach in which one
merely recomputes the optimal matching cost for at every time step.
But in some problem domains such as natural language text, the
alphabet may be defined so that considerable savings result. For
example one can define the alphabet to consist of, say, 2-grams or
3-grams but exclude 1-grams. Doing this makes the problem
considerable more sparse and many subproblems will sleep for
many time steps before any work is needed. So if is the window's
size, our algorithms might perform
work per time step. One
might hope to find and algorithm with instead does
work per step, perhaps on an amortized basis. This represents an
interesting area for future work. Failing such a result, one might
analyze algorithms like the one we present under the assumption of
some distribution of strings.
Since the outer level processing is rather straightforward, we confine
our discussion to the matching subproblem for a single symbol which we
will denote . Our algorithm represents the occurrences of
as a linked list which is formed before search
begins. The occurrences in
are also maintained as a linked
list but this list is sometimes updated. An entry is added to the
tail when
is shifted onto (becomes the) right-end of
during a time step. The list's head is deleted when
shifted out of the window. Assuming a constant number of symbols are
present at each string position the maintenance of these lists is
cost per step. No lists need to be formed for alphabet
symbols in
which do not occur in
Time steps are denoted and numbered from zero. We denote by
the offset of the windows right edge from the first position of
. The list entries for
consist of an integer giving
the time step during which the particular
occurrence was
shifted onto
. The list entries for
consist of the
position of each
occurrence in the natural coordinate system
in which the first position is zero. At each time step the
lists are effectively renumbered by adding
to each element before
it is used.
We will show that a single scan through the two lists associated with
finds the optimal matching, its cost, and the two alarm
intervals corresponding to leveling and rematching as described above.
This scan is performed when an earlier alarm sounds, and also when
either appears on the right, or vanishes from the left of the
The first part of the process consists of merging the two lists to
produce a single sorted list. During the merge it is a
straightforward matter to split the list into sublists, one for each
level. Also, during the merge, it is easy to set the leveling alarm
by focusing on positions in the merged list where a list
element is immediately followed by an
list element. The
minimum gap between such pairs gives the value of the leveling alarm
and may be trivially maintained during the scan.7 We have seen in an
earlier section that the optimal matching and its cost may be found
for each level in an online fashion, so we have only to show that the
rematching alarm can be set as well.
Before turning to this we remark that an or
step algorithm will need to either leave leveling behind, or maintain
the levels using non-trivial data structures. To see this consider
that a block of say 10
occurrence in
moving over a
block of 10
occurrences in
will generate a leveling
event at every time step. Moreover a quadratic number of matching
edge changes are generated despite the fact that the canonical skis
and skiers matching might have been used; avoiding all leveling alarms,
matching edge changes, and rematching alarms. This is of course only
true for examples like the one above in which the number of
occurrence in
exactly equals the number in
. Still
though it may provide intuition leading to an improved algorithm for
the general case.
![]() |
Focusing now on an individual level, recall that it must consist of
elements which alternate between and
. If level is of
even length, then all elements are matched and no rematching is
required until the leveling itself changes. If the level is of odd
length, then exactly one element will be left unmatched in an optimal
matching. Since we are processing the level online, we don't know in
advance whether it is of odd or even length. But this poses no real
problem since we may assume that it is odd until we reach the end and
perhaps find out otherwise.
Assume without generality that the situation is as in
Figure 3, i.e. the level begins with a
element, that the level is of odd length, and that
the unmatched element. Part (a) of this figure depicts the matching
in which element
is left unmatched. Part (b) shows the
matching in which the last element is excluded. As
slides to
the left, the edges to the left of
in both parts of the figure,
decrease in cost by
. However the
edges to the right of
behave differently. In part (a) they grow more costly by
while in
(b) their cost declines by
. So the difference between the cost of
these two matchings, i.e. that of part (a) minus that of part (b),
increases by
with each time step. Of course this is true only
until elements cross, but by that time a leveling alarm will
have sounded.
![]() |
For each position we denote this difference
. The
optimal matching corresponds to a minimum of this function's graph. We
now imagine animating the graph with respect to time using the
per step rule derived above. Each value
may be expanded
to become a function of time:
denotes the level's length minus
. It is apparent that the as
we move from left to right through a level, the rate of increase in
declines. This situation is illustrated in
Figure 4. So as time passes, the values of
which represent minima will in general change. Notice that the the
absolute vertical location of this graph does not affect the
identification of an optimal matching since the minima are unchanged
by vertical translation. Also observe that the differences
are easily computed online from local
differences within the level list. So up to vertical translation,
this graph may be built online starting from an arbitrary value and
We will show that as the graph is built from left to right, we can
easily and in constant time update the value of variable alarm
which gives the number of time steps until the graph has a new global
minimum. This corresponds of course to a change in the optimal
matching and is the ``rematching'' alarm we require to complete our
algorithm for string search. Two observations are all that is needed
to understand the short algorithm that follows. First, if during
left to right graph construction, a new global minimum is encountered,
then no earlier point can ever replace it since all earlier points
are increasing in value at a greater rate. Second, if the current
point is greater than or equal to the current global minimum, then
the number of time steps that will pass before the current point
becomes smaller than the current global minimum, is exactly
. The following
algorithm results:
` =13`^M=13
In this section, we give a new characterization of what we here call the proximity metric on strings. This metric and various generalizations, developed primarily by the second author, has been reported in [16,13,15,2] and has been used extensively for natural language applications, especially spelling correction, by Proximity Technologies and a large number of word processing software publishers, and by Franklin Electronic Publishers in their hand-held solid-state electronic books. Other product implementations include the PF474 VLSI circuit [14], the ``Friendly Finder'' database retrieval system, the ``Proximity Scan'' subroutine library, and the ``Clean Mail'' program for eliminating duplicates in mailing lists. We are proposing the bipartite graph matching approach to string matching as an improvement over the proximity metric for string matching. The proximity metric has a fast, efficient implementation and has proven to work well for many natural language applications. However, we argue below that our new bipartite graph matching approach provides a qualitative improvement over the proximity matching and, as we have already seen, the bipartite graph based string matching can be performed efficiently in linear time, so its performance rivals that of the proximity metrics.
Space does not allow a complete treatment of the proximity metric, but
we do include its full definition and proofs of the main new results.
For the rest of this section, we let and
have equal
length and both have domain
It is clear that
has value
and only if
, and has value
if and only if
have no common symbols. Traditionally, the
proximity metric has been a scaled version of
The next theorem is proved
in [13], and we omit its proof here:
It has been known that
acts somewhat like
a matching-based string comparison method with linear cost function;
it also has been noted that the
metric acts counter-intuitively
when there are unequal numbers of a given symbol in
These phenomena are both explained by the following characterization
Before giving the characterization of
, we give a slightly
revamped definition of the
function; which is basically a
of the discussion in section 2.1 where the algorithm finding an
optimal cost matching was implemented to first split symbols into
alternating tours at each level and then to find an optimal matching
for each tour independently.
We shall work with the cost function
be a symbol and
be a level number:
is a maximal
matching which maps (positions of) occurrences of
(positions of) occurrences of
. (I.e.,
is injective
is either total or onto.)
The cost of such a
is equal to
Recall that the level
occurrences of
form an alternating tour and that Theorem 3
describes the ways in which minimum cost
-matchings can be
formed. If case (a) of Theorem 3 holds, then
we say
-balanced; otherwise,
there are unequal numbers of occurrences of
at level
and the strings
are said to be
We define
to be the minimum two-sided cost of
-matchings on
When there are no occurrences of
at level
, then
Proposition 2 tells us that the bipartite graph string
matching distance can be defined as
The string matching algorithms based on bipartite graph
matchings now are seen to present several advantages
over the proximity matchings. The principal two advantages are:
(1) The proximity matching approach is based on counting
common occurrences of symbol and does not give any assignment (i.e., matching)
of symbols in one string to symbols in the other string. The bipartite
graph approach to string matching does give such an assignment.
It can be potentially very useful to have such as assignment; firstly, since
it shows explicitly correspondences between the strings, and secondly since
the assignment can be used in a post-processing phase to further evaluate
the correspondence between the matched strings.
(2) The second advantage is the proximity matching seems to have serious
flaws when symbols do not occur equal numbers of times in both strings.
For an example consider the strings ``ABA'' and
=``BAB'' and
``ABB''. Here we have
See the conclusion for a discussion of the relative merits of the bipartite graph approach to string matching and of the edit-distance (ED) approach to string matching.
In the bipartite approach to string matching discussed above, a single string comparison is decomposed into a linear superposition of matching problems; one for each alphabet symbol. In this framework, even extensive permutation of a string can result in a new string which is very close to the original, as measured by the minimum cost of a matching between the new string and the original string. For natural language applications, this behavior presents problems because perceptual distance increases rapidly with local permutational rearrangement, while the cost of an optimal matching does not. Fortunately, there is a simple way to augment the string matching algorithm discussed above, to overcome these problems; namely, to add additional polygraphic symbols to the strings before performing the comparison.
The polygraphic symbols, called polygrams, consist of a sequence of
ordinary symbols. That is, a -gram, is a sequence of
-symbols from
the underlying alphabet
. Before comparing the strings
, we preprocess them by adding, at each character position, new symbols
for the
-grams which end at that position of the string. To give a concrete
example, LIKEIT system has used to the following method of preprocessing
a string
with domain
: for each value
such that
be the
-gram comprising symbols
then the polygrams
are inserted into
immediately following symbol
A similar
preprocessing is applied to
The number 6 has been chosen empirically
as it works well for natural language text applications.
For other applications,
e.g., DNA sequence analysis,
it might be more appropriate to use polygrams of different lengths.
This preprocessing
makes and
nearly six times as long, so one might fear
that it would increase the runtimes by a factor of six.
However, in practice, the
greatly improves the perceived quality of the matches and greatly reduces the
run time of the search process. The reason for the paradoxical
reduction of the runtime of the search
is that the prefilterings discussed in the next section, will
do a much more effective filtering thereby reducing greatly the number
of actual string comparisons which must be performed. Note that insertion
of polygraphic characters can be done efficiently,
by a finite state machine scanning from
left to right only.
The LIKEIT system also gives different weights to polygrams than to
single symbols; namely, a -gram receives a weight of
, so the
weight of a polygram is proportional to its length.
It should be noted that when polygrams are used, the optimal matching
may not respect overlapping polygrams. That is to say, even though two
polygrams overlap in , they may be matched to widely divergent
polygrams in
. As an example consider matching the strings
``BART'' and
The initial 3-gram ``BAR'' in
would match the initial 3-gram of
; whereas the overlapping
3-gram ``ART'' in
would match to the final 3-gram of
Polygrams are only one kind of extra symbols that can be inserted into
strings before
matching occurs. Other natural text search applications have used
the addition of symbols encoding phonetic information into the strings; in
this approach, phonetic information is inserted into both and
using an algorithmic method (that is, the phonetic information is all inserted
algorithmically, there is no use of a dictionary).
Our matching approach may be thought of as a crude model for human
similarity judgment. Even though the corresponding are linear time
and very simple, it is in practice important to consider even simpler
models and algorithms in order to increase search speed. Perhaps the
simplest model consists of comparing the set of polygrams which occur
in both strings, along with their frequencies. That is, ignore
position entirely.
This may be thought of as a crude projection of the matching model so
as to use a cost function which assumes a constant value for all
matching edges independent of edge length. It corresponds to the use
of frequencies only in [5,6].
Other model simplifications involve approximations we have already
seen. Examples are the use of free realignment only, the
heuristic, and approximate solutions to each level's matching problem.
Another simplification consists of dealing fewer polygram sizes.
These simplified algorithms form prefilters which are applied to
the database in order to limit the search to a subset which is then
processed by later prefilters and ultimately by the final algorithm.
As records are considered by a prefilter, they are added to a heap of
bounded size. The next prefilter reads from this heap and writes to a
new one. For particular domains, transaction logs or query models may
be used to intelligently set the size of these heaps so that some
estimate of the probability of error (failing to pass-on the correct
record) is acceptable.
Our framework
allows for matching edges only between identical characters. This in some sense
corresponds to a discrete metric on , i.e. a distance function assuming zero
only upon equality, and unity otherwise. In many languages this is awkward and in
some it may be an unacceptable simplification.
The simplest current practical technique
known to the authors consists of mapping each alphabet element to a string. The
mapping then attempts to capture linguistic relationships.
The ideas of this paper and the authors' earlier work have lead to the development of LIKEIT; a new text search engine for the Web [17]. The weighted matching approach represents a single conceptual framework that deals with variations in word spelling, form, spacing, ordering, and proximity within the text.
The system's objective is to provide an easy to administer, distributed search service offering a great deal of error tolerance, and a very simple user interface. The Web user's query is communicated to one or more a LIKEIT search servers and an HTML document is returned containing the most similar information found. The optimal matching is visualized for the user by highlighting selected characters in the returned text. Relationships between servers may be established to form a distributed network search service which can include explicit hierarchy when desired.
When a database of roughly 50,000 bibliographic citations is searched for the query PROBLMOFOPTIMLDICTIONRY the title OPTIMAL BOUNDS ON THE DICTIONARY PROBLEM is returned first. The search requires a little over two seconds on a 133MHz Pentium processor based system. In a more realistic example, a search for ``SAMBUSS'' finds papers by the first author as intended. Keyword-based systems such as GLIMPSE and WAIS cannot by design. We remark that the algorithms of this paper might then find application in construction of front-end spelling correctors for keyword-based systems such as these.
There are several interesting directions for future work. Our
algorithms for approximate string search might be improved to provide
constant or nearly constant time bounds per time step. Strategies for
polygraphic indexing or hashing might be explored so that prefilters
can more rapidly limit the search's range. General techniques for
dealing with relationships between elements of while
retaining computational efficiency might be developed. The alphabet
symbol weights and other parameters might be in some way learned by
the system. Finally, other application areas such as DNA analysis
might be explored.
To conclude, we review again some of the relative advantages and disadvantages between the bipartite graph string matching (BGSM) algorithms discussed in this paper and prior edit distance (ED) algorithms. First, our BGSM algorithms have the advantage of being online and taking linear time; in contrast, ED algorithms are based on dynamic programming and require quadratic time in general (but they can be made linear time if only a limited number of edit operations are allowed). The BGSM algorithms give a better quality match when the strings being compared contain substantial differences; whereas the ED approach gives a higher quality matching when the two strings differ by only a few edit operations (e.g., three or fewer). This is primarily due to the fact that the BGSM algorithms match distinct alphabet symbols independently. However, with use of polygraphic symbols, this disadvantage of the BGSM algorithms can be largely overcome. The ED distance algorithms have been widely used in text search applications. A precursor to the BGSM algorithms, the proximity matching, has also been widely used. The BGSM algorithm provides a qualitative improvement over the proximity matching; and is being deployed as a general purpose tool in the LIKEIT text search package.
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